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ALIVE by Design

Jan 16, 2023

About This Episode:


'Tabula Rasa'... a Latin phrase that literally translated means clean or blank slate...

It's a term I learned in a psychology class a long while back that comes to mind every new year.

Do you have a personal routine or ritual you do every new year?  Maybe you take some time to review or reflect on the year behind? Or lay out some resolutions or goals for the ahead?

I do.  It's actually a personal process I've evolved over the last 23 years.

I call it my LIFE LENS... and it's 7 "lenses" I ask myself to help give me clarity in the path ahead and live a life more by my design, and not by default.

It's a personal process I do for me, and I don't usually share it publicly, but hey, it helps me tremendously, so here we go...

#WALKWITHME and I'll lay out my personal LIFE LENS and 7 Questions to help Launch your 2023





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